Friday, August 28, 2009

Not much today

I didn't get as much done today ...
There was walk-the-dog, check email, answer email (respond to another one of those bogus Koran 9:11 things ... whatever is being claimed it says ... it doesn't), check tinyhouseblog, send another email, breakfast, a little work in the shop, then a meeting to attend, some groceries to shop for (Pork Spare Ribs for $1.09 a lb. !!), a daughter to visit and split the ribs with, paid off the guy who isn't getting back the bicycle that I chopped up for parts (like I said, all other projects are taking 2nd priority), back home and about to go in the shop when my neighbor says lets go to the big city and buy fasteners, cutting wheels, and visit Harbor Freight. That blew the time until 7 p.m. when I made it back to the house.

Anyway ... I was making dropouts ... took them outside to photograph ... and had a visitor who wanted in on the picture ...

So, here they are ... incomplete.
You may notice one little oddity ... the thing sticking out of the top side of the one on the right ... Thats so that I can attach one of those screw-in derailleurs. Don't believe me? Just wait and see. Tomorrow is another day ...

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