Then I stood out to the side and looked at it ...
Then I went inside and brought out a long length of chain ...
Put the chain around the large gear on the back and stretched it up over the top chain roller ... there's a problem ... it's pushing upward against the seat support unit.
same problem -- chain conflict.
Which means I'll have to adjust the rear dropouts forward ...
I haven't welded them on yet.
The one on the right will provide enough chain clearance.
If you are wondering what all the little tack-welds are for ...
I found that if I use a single layer of EMT tubing,
it bends when you sit in the seat and move side-to-side.
So, I split the tube down the center ... took one half and using a hammer to tap on it on a round section of tubing. This flairs the outside piece so that it will fit snugly against the other half. Then I tack-weld them together and they make a much more rigid seat support tube.
Wow. You're a creative soul, aren't you?
I decided to stop painting canvasses (wasn't that great), stop writing poetry, and focus somewhat on building recumbent bicycles. I'm getting better at it ...
You are so dang creative Bro !! Impressive work there !!
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